Thursday, October 4, 2012

Forever since my last post....29 weeks!

29 weeks!!!

I honestly was not sure if I would make it to 29 weeks, the way I was feeling up to about 22 weeks- but now things seem to be on the good/enjoyable side of pregnancy.  I do feel better, of course I feel like a whale every time I need to get up at night to go to the bathroom or off the couch, but the morning sickness feeling 24 hours a day has gone away, so I am counting my blessings.

SOOOO much has happened since my last post.  Of course I started my new job and I am just trying to keep my head above water.  There is so much to learn, I am pretty sure I learn something new every single day.  Everyone has been so wonderful and understanding.  With the new job I have been traveling a lot which, is fun but exhausting.  This month I will be gone for two whole weeks, one week in Billings for Montana Association of Career and Technical Educators and the second week I will be in Indianapolis for National FFA Convention.  I am looking forward to both weeks, but I am also looking forward to the first of November when my schedule slows down and baby Carlson's due date is a little more in reach.

Baby Carlson and mommy are growing a lot!  I will have to post a recent picture, but I don't think I have any- so wait for that to come.
Yesterday we had an appointment, which went well for me and baby, not so well for Kelly.  Yesterday I had to get my flu shot, and since Kelly was there with me, he got his flu shot and his T-dap (Pertussis) shot.  Within seconds Kelly started feeling sick and almost passed out when he went to the bathroom.  When we left the Dr. office he was looking better but was still that nice pale green color.  I think he is feeling back to normal today with the exception of sore arms.

Baby Carlson's heart beat is right on track at 157 beats per minute, she is moving, and I mean MOVING!!!  She is very active after breakfast and super busy in the afternoon around 4 and she doesn't quite down until 11 or so.  It is so fun feeling her move and kick and it is really fun now that Kelly can feel her move and kick.

Also since my last post, Rachel, my wonderful sister-in-law came out for a long weekend to visit.  It was so much fun having her here even if it was too short, as always.  We spend the weekend shopping for baby stuff with my mom.  We went to the fabric store, which it turns out when you are looking for something you want, it can actually be fun.  We didn't just go to one fabric store, there were a couple of course, but we both found material for our nurseries.  So now that means there is one busy grandma to be working on curtains, quilts and who knows what else.

Kelly and I have started working on the back bedroom, which will now be the nursery.  We still have a ways to go, but we went through the closet and took most of our stuff to storage so there will be room for baby and ALL her stuff!  We still need to put up the crib and dresser, but that will hopefully happen soon. I will post pictures of the nursery in progress once we get to that point.

In the mean time here are a few pictures to share:

These are two outfits Grandma Cari bought for baby Carlson- these outfits will be the perfect size for baby when Grandma Cari is on baby duty during State FFA Convention in April- Thank you Grandma Cari, we love you!

Here are a few things I picked up for the nursery.  We are going with a some what neutral theme with earthy tones.  I found two vases, one a brownish green and the other a pretty blue and to make the room a little more girly, I found some gerber daisies that matched the colors of my fabric perfectly.  I also found this canvas wall hanging that will work perfectly with the style of the nursery.  It has been so fun shopping and looking for baby stuff.
Well, there will be more pictures to come, and hopefully more posts- now that I will have more time- after this month!

Monday, July 30, 2012

New Job!!

So, after I got my magic Zofran and I started feeling more like a functional human life got a little more back to "normal."  I still haven't been doing much cooking or cleaning or laundry- I feel bad, but Kelly has been so wonderful about helping out.
So now that life seemed to be in a normal swing, I had to shake things up, of course!  In late May my DREAM JOB was posted- I knew the chance of me getting the job might be a long shot and what a crazy time with baby on its way, but I knew if I did not apply I would forever kick myself, so. . . . . . . .  I applied, made the application cut, got an interview and a week later I was offered the job!  SO I am very excited to announce that on August 6, 2012 I will be the new Montana FFA State Advisor!  I am so nervous and excited, this is a job I dreamed about since I was in high school and was hoping sometime in my life I could at least apply- and now at 28, still some what a newlywed and a baby on the way- I have landed a dream career!
I will try to be good about posting not only about baby progress, but also the job.

Here is the link to the Montana FFA Website- check it out and see what some of my job will entail.

11 - 19.5 weeks

Ok, so after much needed prodding from my wonderful sister-in-law, Rachel, I am FINALLY updating my blog!
Since my last post at 11 weeks lots has happened and I am going to use that as my excuse for not getting on here.
Oh where to start. . . . . ?
Ok, first- I am still fighting some "morning sickness."  I would say it now is more in the morning than the rest of the day, but I am still getting sick, luckily it is only every other day to every two days, but almost half way through this, I feel like I should be feeling better- hopefully in the next couple of weeks.  Luckily I got a little bit of wonderfulness from my local family pharmacy, a magic little pill called Zofran!  It has been my life saver these last 9 weeks.

Friday, June 1, 2012

11 Weeks...and counting!

So, it has been a while since I have posted anything, sorry!

11 weeks - baby Carlson is almost fully formed and is just over 1 1/2 inches long- about the size of a fig!

Not too much has changed, ok so maybe a few things have changed...

* I feel fat, not pregnant- so I am hoping before too long I feel more pregnant than fat and hopefully I look more pregnant than fat- no such luck right now
* Clothes do NOT fit, nothing seems to be fitting- my normal clothes are too tight- my jeans don't fit, which is SO SAD- I haven't worn jeans in almost 2 weeks.
Erin was so sweet and gave me a huge box full of maternity clothes- THANK YOU ERIN!!!, but I am at that stage, where regular clothes are too tight and maternity clothes are still too big and just make me look even fatter
* Morning Sickness? ? ?  WHO came up with the MORNING part?  I have ALL DAY SICKNESS, and when I mean all day, I mean from the minute I get up until I go to bed and through the entire night.  I am getting to the real fun part- the part of pregnancy where NOTHING tastes good, looks good, smells good and I keep NOTHING down- I am hoping in the second trimester (about a week away) this crummy feeling goes away.  I'm not as tired as I have been, but I don't think that is much of a trade off- I rather be exhausted than sick
* Cooking and cleaning do not seem to interest me in the least- so that has kind of gone by the wayside right now- good think Kelly is understanding and has been really helpful around the house.  No wonder pregnant women get into nesting mode- they have to to clean up all the crap they have done nothing about for the past 7 to 8 months- I am ready for that stage!
*  We have been thinking about what to do with the spare bedroom/office/catch all/soon to be nursery- I think before too long we will be cleaning all our crap out of that room and closet and start making some room for baby Carlson.

Well- I think that is it for now- pictures to come of the growing belly soon!

Friday, May 18, 2012

1st Appointment

On Monday, May 14th I had my first appointment.  It was fairly painless- and very exciting.  I think Kelly was a little unsure about the whole OB doctors office deal, but by the time we got to the ultrasound- I think he was doing better.
On Monday I was 8 weeks.  The nurse thought I was farther along- more like 10 weeks, but the ultrasound showed a little over 8 weeks.  I was hoping more for 10 weeks- that way the morning sickness (which actually lasts all day) would be over in 2 to 3 weeks, now being only 8 weeks means I have more like 4 to 5 weeks of this left (hopefully!)

Here is our first ultrasound picture!
Baby Carlson is 1.91 cm long and had a very strong heart beat, 167 beats per minute - Pretty incredible!
Baby's head is down towards the right
My doctor, Dr. Casper (she is amazing) showed us the little leg and arm buds- which to a trained eye I am sure looks like legs and arms, but to us a little blob with a very fast heart beat (is that bad to say?)
Hope you enjoy the picture

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

We are having a BABY!

Ok- since we have family all over the U.S., what better way to share this exciting experience with everyone other than a blog.  Rachel currently has one to help keep us posted on Baby Cloud 2.0 and we wanted to share with you guys as well.
Let me warn you, I am not great on keeping up with my blogging.  I have a blog for work and that seems to get neglected with everything else I have going on, so.... if I haven't posted anything for a while, don't worry it is on it's way- or email or call me and I will get some info posted.

So- Kelly and I are going to have a baby!  Let's just say this is happening a little earlier than we had planned, but we are constantly reminded that the best things in life seem to be those that are unplanned.  So, life as the Carlson's know it is already changing (more so me)  and will continue for THE REST OF OUR LIVES!  Kinda scary!

I found out Saturday, April 14th- I was home by myself for the weekend and was a little freaked out.  I waited until Kelly got home and we made our way to Chico Hot Springs.  Once we were settled and about to head to the pool I gave Kelly a card and a picture of the pregnancy tests.  Kelly was quite surprised (he thought the tests were toothbrushes at first).  He wasn't really expecting a card with pregnancy tests so I try not to give him too hard of a time about that.

More to come, so stay tuned for the next several months as we add ultrasound pictures, tummy pictures and much, much more!

Hope you enjoy watching baby Carlson grow!